Mueller Arts

Mueller Arts is the Arts Department of Mueller College.

The Arts Department incorporates:
  • Primary Arts Curriculum – Music and art specialist classes with support provided for classrooms in Dance, Media and Drama
  • Secondary Arts Curriculum – Drama, Dance, Media Arts (Film), Music and Visual Art
  • Extra-curricular Arts opportunities – Vocal groups (Community Musical, Concert band, Dance crew initiated by the school or provided by trusted external providers (Brisbane Junior Theatre)
  • Tutoring programs – Instrumental music, music theory, and singing.

Mueller Arts is the Arts working in close relationship to support each other.  While all of the Arts have a distinct style more and more there are vocational and cultural expectations that an understanding of the interrelationship of the Arts exist.  The first step in this is creating a community of teachers and artists who guide students through their practice that the Arts are distinct, but also interrelate.

Underpinning this view is a Christ-centred approach to the Arts, which is:
  • Joyful
  • Serving of God and others
  • Seeking excellence
  • Is about relationships and building community

Visit our online information hub – “Mueller Connect”  to download the Arts Handbook or to explore our extra-curricular options, including tutoring and scholarships.

More information



For all enquiries, contact the Arts office at

Simon Ratcliffe
Head of The Arts

Information Pack Request
